P-25 Hawaiian Indigenous
Language Cycle
P-20 vs P-25
Attributes of P-25 ILC

P-25 Hawaiian Indigenous Language Cycle

The P-25 Hawaiian Indigenous Language Cycle is one of the core components of the Kuʻikahi. It is the guiding framework for all education programs from pre-school to the doctoral level. Under the framework of the P-25 HILC, the Kuʻikahi maintains sovereignty of education through its own Hawaiian language.

Linear P-20 vs Circular P-25 Indigenous Language Cycle

The Kuʻikahi’s many education programs are part of a P-25 Indigenous Language Cycle, based on existing P-20 initiatives.The typical P-20 linear path is focused on ensuring that students complete educational milestones, with the goal of increasing the years of education undertaken to improve earning potential and socioeconomic mobility. 

The P-25 Indigenous Language Cycle (ILC) expands beyond the individual student to encompass family and community, research and development, content production and distribution, regeneration and normalization of language + culture, and extends to professions outside of teaching. A P-25 ILC framework brings distinctive advantages as well as unique challenges. 

Five Attributes of the P-25 ILC

Regeneration and Normalization

The goal of the cycle is to regenerate language and culture that has been lost, and to normalize its prevalence in modern contexts.

Beyond the Individual

The Indigenous Language Cycle goes beyond the individual learner, and encompasses orbits of family and community, engaging them in the education process.

Beyond Academics

The cycle operates on the idea that language is closely linked to culture, reaching beyond academics to involve other aspects of life.

Creating Learning Tools

A successful P-25 ILC requires the research, development, production, and distribution of learning artifacts.

Start with Language Education

The P-25 Cycle begins with language education, then spreads to other professions as they adopt the language as the medium of instruction/communication.